Rough Waters,” written by Urszula Piotrowska, also known as Klaudina, is a heartbreaking story of love, tragedy, and survival. The main character, Emily, is a successful heart surgeon who loses her fiancé, Matthew, in a tragic shooting on their wedding day. After facing more challenges, she decides to pursue her dream of attending college and travels to San Jose with her best friend, Jen, to start a new life.
Rough Waters,” about Emily’s Journey, written by talented writer Urszula Piotrowska, also known as Klaudina, is a heartbreaking story of love, tragedy, and survival. The main character, Emily, is a successful heart surgeon who loses her fiancé, Matthew, in a tragic shooting on their wedding day. While Emily struggles to cope with her feelings of loss and sadness, her friends and coworkers try to help, but the path to recovery is complicated and fraught with pitfalls. After her parents are tragically killed in a car accident, she decides to pursue her dream of attending college and travels to San Jose with her best friend Jen to start a new life
Urszula came to the US in May 2009 from Poland; she attended “Shoreline Community College” the same year to take “ESL Classes.” After that, she went to “Pima Medical Institute” in Seattle to become “Certified Medical Assistant”. She finishes the school with honors. Struggling to find a job as “CMA” she went to learn nurse assistant skills, and after that, she got a job as a caregiver at “Sunrise Services, Inc” in Everett, WA. She has been working with them ever since. She said: “During the years as a caregiver, she said, “I have met many very interesting people, and my next book will be about them.
Festival Di Sanremo 2024, Chi Vince: I Favoriti, Le Quote E Le Possibili Sorprese Su Cui Scommettere Dopodiché bisognerà scegliere su cosa puntare e cliccare sulla propria previsione. In quel momento sulla parte destra del nostro schermo comparirà automaticamente la schedina, all’interno della quale sono indicate le giocate che abbiamo attivato, le quote, l’importo della […]
Urszula Piotrowska’s novel “Rough Water” on “Emily’s Journey” follows a young woman’s transformation from a talented surgeon to a fighter for her life. After the sudden death of her fiancé and their unborn baby, Emily is
The novel “Rough Water” by Urszula Piotrowska explores the theme of friendship through the story of Emily and her best friend, Jen. After a devastating tragedy, Jen becomes Emily’s source of strength and
Rough Water” by Urszula Piotrowska tells the story of Emily’s journey of recovery and strength after a tragic loss. With the help of her best friend Jen and time, Emily learns to cope with grief and rebuild her life. The novel