Rough Waters


Rough Waters,” about Emily’s Journey, written by talented writer Urszula Piotrowska, also known as Klaudina, is a heartbreaking story of love, tragedy, and survival. The main character, Emily, is a successful heart surgeon who loses her fiancé, Matthew, in a tragic shooting on their wedding day. While Emily struggles to cope with her feelings of loss and sadness, her friends and coworkers try to help, but the path to recovery is complicated and fraught with pitfalls. After her parents are tragically killed in a car accident, she decides to pursue her dream of attending college and travels to San Jose with her best friend Jen to start a new life.



A Heart-Wrenching Tale of Love, Loss, and Survival

Rough Waters,” about Emily’s Journey, written by talented writer Urszula Piotrowska, also known as Klaudina, is a heartbreaking story of love, tragedy, and survival. The main character, Emily, is a successful heart surgeon who loses her fiancé, Matthew, in a tragic shooting on their wedding day. While Emily struggles to cope with her feelings of loss and sadness, her friends and coworkers try to help, but the path to recovery is complicated and fraught with pitfalls. After her parents are tragically killed in a car accident, she decides to pursue her dream of attending college and travels to San Jose with her best friend Jen to start a new life